A Cat Called Milo

While sitting at my dining room table I saw something in the corner of my eye walk past my patio doors. I didn’t know what it was at first but I soon found out. About 10 minutes later I let my dog outside and saw him take off. As I followed him outside I saw that he chased something up our tree. I quickly discovered he chased my neighbors cat Milo up the tree. It took a few minutes to get my dog inside and then I texted my neighbors. They were surprised to hear that he was in my yard because he normally stays inside their fence. They came over to try to get the cat down but Milo was not having it. We waited a bit to see if he would come down by himself but no luck. They decided to come back with a ladder and a can of tuna. It was this or call the fire department to get him down. He was pretty high up in the tree so we needed to gently poke him with a stick. He slowly started to come down and when my neighbor could reach him, he pulled him down. Milo was clinging to my neighbors back until they were safely on the ground. Then he jumped off and wandered around. My neighbor gathered his ladder and headed home with Milo. I’m not sure if Milo will ever return to my yard. I think my dog scared him pretty good.

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